Bass Clef Books
Cecilia ◊ Kentucky
Busy Being Eve
Yvonne Morris
In this ethereal collection, Busy Being Eve, where love is “set afire,” I am lulled by the “faraway surf” of air ducts, then quickly pulled out of this dream by the “bang of a glass on the bar”. Here cities are held inside us. We cast massive shadows. The land is our body and the body our land. There is sickness here, and I hang on for dear life as I wade through these poems. I watch while the life around us is eaten by concrete and steel. This collection, a craft of loss, howls in my heart long after the pages have closed.
—Jan LaPerle, author of Maybe the Land Sings Back
Hog: A Delta Memoir (in hardcover)
George Drew’s Hog: A Delta Memoir is just that. It brings back simultaneously the worst and the best of the Delta: the rich, deadly, dreaming, damaged Delta. The Delta cannot be saved. It can only be reconfigured. But if and when that happens, something terribly important will have been lost forever. Drew saves what he can of it for us, in language as tough and complex as its subject, and at least as stubbornly beautiful. The Delta cannot be saved, perhaps, but it can, like a hog, be rendered. In these poems Drew has, and like the sausage from that hog, the taste is forever unforgettable.
—Jack Butler, author of Broken Hallelujah
Scoring the Darkness
InScoring the Darkness, Ted Higgs charts the trajectory of “a minefield of memories,” hurtling through countries, relationships, tragedies, war, and art. Like the analog of an old cassette tape, the past here speaks back, recalling moments of beauty, absurdity, and loss, hovering between music and silence.
—Clay Matthews author of Shore, and Four-way Lug Wrench